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Tamar Bible Story: Meaning, and Study Questions

Tamar Bible Story: Meaning, and Study Questions


What are those burning questions in your heart about this Woman in the bible called Tamar? Folks have asked about the number of women called ‘Tamar’ in the bible. Others have inquired about bible study facts as regards Tamar and Judah.

Having explored the life of Rahab in the previous episodes, we shall consider this  amazing character. 

Permit me to say that there are actually three women called ‘Tamar’ in the bible.

Tamar and Judah

The first woman mentioned as ‘Tamar” in scriptures was recorded in Genesis 38. A woman who was widowed twice, and later seduced her father-in-law to have sex with her. Tamar understood her kingdom rights! This character is the subject of our story today!


Tamar: the Daughter of Absalom

The second woman mentioned as ‘Tamar” was recorded in the time of Absalom, the son of David, King of Israel.

Three sons and a daughter were born to Absalom. His daughter’s name was Tamar, and she became a beautiful woman

(2 Samuel 14:27)

Tamar: Absalom’s Sister

One might assume that Absalom loved the name, ‘Tamar’. The Tamar here was the virgin who was raped by his step brother, Amnon.

In the course of time, Amnon son of David fell in love with Tamar, the beautiful sister of Absalom son of David.

2 Samuel 13:1


Welcome to another interesting moment of study at the Lord’s feet!

Having explored the life of Rahab: A heroine of faith (Internal link) in the previous episodes.

We shall be considering a heroic woman who later become an ancestral mother of our Lord. However, this was not without certain murkiness surrounding her marriage.

Lets study together in the story below:


Tamar Bible Story

Tamar stared aimlessly at the floor, looking over the cracked potsherd few meters away from the door. All that mattered to her at this point was “justice”. She must do it her way, irrespective of the cost…even her life.

Beads of sweat gently made their way through the streaks of temporary wrinkles on her face.

Tamar could wait no more! She could not be dissuaded by anyone, not even by Rizpah (her maid-in-waiting) . The confused maiden presently stared at her mistress with eyes searching frantically for answers that were obviously not forthcoming.

The big question is why would this pretty woman subscribe to taking laws into her hands, knowing she could die for doing it?

Meaning of the name ‘Tamar’

Her name was Tamar…meaning ‘date palm’ (a plant which survives dry and harsh conditions and still bears sweet and nourishing fruits). It can sway in the desert winds without breaking.

She was in her late teens: promising, industrious and innocent.
Indeed she was young. Nevertheless, she was old enough to carry out certain tasks that could earn her a living if she was steady at it!

She could cook, weave a basket, tend a herd, make pottery, plant a garden, fill the water troughs and make her mother (Sabre) happy!

Tamar was one petite and pretty figure, who had lived long enough to master the scenery of the countryside and had very little or no exposure.

She has always harbored an age long fantasy…to sample the delights of the world outside of the home. She had always enjoyed the warmth and ambiance of ‘family’ as much as she once valued the warmth of mother’s bosom, reveling in the ecstasy it can afford.

Unfortunately, Father’s occasional stares would automatically jolt her back to corrective discipline.
Her girlhood days were marked with beautiful memories, laced with thoughts of the future!

Sabre (Tamar’s Mother) never relented in dealing with traces of rude conduct in her transition to womanhood. Thoughts of these evoked a certain wild excitement, but tales of the responsibilities therein made Tamar cringe!

She resolved to maximize her days as a young maiden, cherishing the moments of being with family, where she could be as free as a stray bird!

Zared (Tamar’s father) commanded a high level of respect and admiration amongst the townspeople. He was quite insightful and brave. One would assume he had mastered the art of making meaningful relationships, such as could fetch him his much needed respect and adulation. Hence his mutual relationship with Judah (a friend of Hirah, the Adullamite).

Tamar was properly domiciled and domesticated, this was most likely because her Father (Zared) had little or no time for frivolities, being disciplined. Hence, he inculcated the virtue of industry into everyone living under his roof.

However, his recent delight has been to establish a peaceful alliance with the Israelites who have been dominating every land they set foot on. Presently, they were advancing towards the resistance in Timnath. They will always win! It was only sensible to make peace with them, and doing it quickly!

One evening, Zared returned home and made a most shocking revelation, upon which the foundations of Tamar’s adventure was built.

She was getting married!!!

Sabre was to prepare her for marriage to Judah’s eldest son, (Er).

Tamar understood that Father and Judah were close allies, but not close enough for Judah to have noticed her as a potential bride for his son.

She had only seen Judah once, whilst on the fields with her father.
Her attempts to object were futile; Judah would be coming over in a fortnight!

Unfortunately, She was not afforded an opportunity to air her views.
She felt like a tool for consolidating a business transaction. It was quite difficult deciphering the exact expression on Mother’s face, who forced a weak encouraging smile.
The twenty-year-old prospective bride was scared! She had not seen her prospective husband, nor imagined what he looked like,

Lessons from Tamar Bible Story

A fledgling young girl who has relished the exuberance of child-like simplicity, is yet to experience the vicissitudes of a marital life.

Her child-like simplicity must have attracted her prospective father-in law (Judah) to have desired her marrying his son, Er.

However, she was not without domestic skills, which was an added feather to her cap, as she must needs employ them for the journey ahead!

How prepared are you for the tasks ahead?


Heads up!!!

Sincerely, there is more to Tamar’s story in the bible and we shall be trusting God to open up his Word again as we take a different dimension to this bible study.

There are a series of mind-blowing, inspiring and spirit-breathed bible stories about Tamar.

Additionally, there are significant truths and lessons to glean from the life of this phenomenal woman.

These stories are stacked on our Resource Library.

Additionally, you could use the link here and subscribe to the blog so as to have access to other interesting bible stories!

Thank you so much and God bless you!

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