Dearly beloved, the topic before us today, 12 Productive Ways to Spend Time with God, seems like my longest post ever!
Indeed, it gives me great joy to do this again! I appreciate you once again for reading my blog. Thank you!
Unfortunately, I have observed that many Christians love God and are passionate about pleasing Him. However, there lies a subtle difficulty in tarrying with Him (in terms of longevity and productivity).
I have outlined a number of questions that I believe have summarized the frustration experienced {by well-meaning Christians} in a bid to achieve the aforementioned:
What makes a Christian pray for hours?
How can I pray more effectually and productively?
What other ways can I revamp my personal devotions with God?
What is the secret of longevity (in prayers)?
I want to spend more time with God, but I have a tight schedule, and I love God sincerely. What do I do?
If your response to one or more of these questions is ‘yes’, it’s a sign that you are passionate about maximizing your Christian experiences in Jesus Christ.
The Christian journey is a journey of faith. Faith in God is what keeps you going. Hence, its your faith in God that informs your decisions and Christian convictions. Satan will always seek to attack your faith in Christ. This is because this faith is the framework of all your beliefs in Christ.
Hence, these 12 Productive Ways to Spend Time with God are powerful means of reinforcing your faith in Christ!
Although they are not exhaustive, I trust that God will shed light on your heart and make his ways clearer to you for a more productive Christian experience… Amen!
1. The Word of God
We can never emphasize the efficacy of God’s Word enough!
The Word of God is not expressed in the lettering. Although, they are useful templates for the Holy Spirit to communicate the Father’s will to us.
Simply put, the Word of God is God’s Word to you!
In fact, it’s beyond a wordy description, considering its diverse expressions!
The Christian who has not consciously embraced and ingested God’s Word is at risk of spiritual death. it is only a matter of time.
This is because God’s Word is the believer’s feed mechanism and a system for spiritual replenishment.
Engaging God’s Word deliberately is a productive way to spend time with Him.
How do you feel after God speaks to you as you study His Word?
You feel loved, special, fulfilled, energized, ready to take action, make amends, etc. (smiles)!
The moments you spend with God are not wasted. It is always productive! This is because it spares you reckless decisions, fruitless ventures, and unnecessary risks.
Additionally, it creates an avenue for God’s blessings.
Do you know that there are other ways that God speaks to us via His Word?

12 Productive Ways to Spend Time with God
We might consider this later on as we progress (maybe on a fresh blog post)
Little wonder David said:
For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. (Psalm 84:10)
2. Worship
Personally, this has been a great weapon for engaging God in my personal devotions. It’s a perfect conditioning system for communion.
Personally, there are days that I really do not feel up to it.
Prayer seems arduous as I tend to struggle with several conflicting thoughts and issues weighing heavily on my mind.
Howbeit, I realized that stability of the mind is essential if one must pray effectively. (I am guessing you can relate to that feeling).
Worship has been my escape route. It keeps my spirit in tune with the Holy Spirit. I receive Grace to pray as I worship God!
In my own parlance, I will say that worship is a mind conditioner and a spirit-moisturizing system (smiles)!
N/b: Ladies who wear their hair naturally will agree with me that conditioners and moisturizers are great tools for a smooth sail in the natural hair journey.
Interestingly, there are times you might want to pray and all you do is worship God. (You are not alone, I assure you).
In worship, the Holy Spirit is given space for expression via spiritual songs, diverse tongues, prophecy, and even God’s Word to you!
3. Prayer
Prayer is a lifestyle. Men will pray when prayer is revealed to them. The burden for prayer comes with a revelation.
Several years back, I made a request to God.
I said, “Lord, make me a prayer… A woman that prays”
It sounded strange but this was because I saw prayer as the personality involved in the act of praying… this was beyond the literal meaning of prayer. I still see prayer as a person… (smiles)!
Prayer is an important way of expressing our hearts to God … and God making His Will known to us.
Prayer is a productive way to spend time with God when engaged with spiritual understanding. There are men who spend hours talking, grumbling, ranting, etc., but not praying.
Hence, it is not necessarily in the number of hours consumed when we pray, but an understanding of the intricacies involved in effective praying. This is when productivity comes in.
Important parameters that are worthy of mention here include Sincerity of one’s heart, a desire for Kingdom establishment, fervency, consistency, and holiness.
4. Dance
I thought it wise to make this subtopic a full blog post, but it happened that it is featured here.
14 And David danced before the Lord with all his might, and David was girded with a linen ephod.15 So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of the Lord with shouting, and with the sound of the trumpet.16 And as the ark of the Lord came into the city of David, Michal Saul’s daughter looked through a window, and saw king David leaping and dancing before the Lord; and she despised him in her heart. (2 Samuel 6:14 -16)
It is amazing how much David (an influential King) must have danced before all of Israel. How the ‘honorable statesman’ swirled his body so unreservedly (for the Lord), forgetting that he was scarcely clothed. Hence, Michal was irritated.
Nevertheless, David understood the mystery of dance. However, Michal’s attitude attracted a regrettable penalty.
We live in a world where people try to comport themselves in the Lord’s house. Christians do not want to be labeled as banal or worldly.
Hence, in a bid to appear holy, we forget that God desires praises in songs and dances.
Dance is a productive way to spend time with God. It goes beyond acrobatics. Dance is a communication of a joyful heart to God.
Body movements in symphony with the musical instruments and sometimes, music acting together to tender our heart disposition to God.
Do you know that dancing has many health benefits? Its useful roles in general aerobic exercises, circulatory improvement, and weight loss cannot be overemphasized!
5. Meditation
People are busy indeed! However, this can never downplay the relevance of meditation in spending time with God productively.
I value my moments of silence… It is amazing how God speaks to us in the stillness of our minds.

(12 Productive Ways to Spend Time with God)
Unfortunately, we can get so busy in communion that we forget that prayer is a two-way thing. God is also willing to speak to you!
Inspiration, rhema, and great ideas can be downloaded in this stance.
This is why meditations are powerful.
I had written more about the subject of meditation here Silence, Solitude and Stillness in communion with God
You might also want to check this out too
6. Spiritual Songs
Music and songs of praise are too important. Do you remember that a majority of the book of Psalms is replete with poems and songs written whilst David played the harp and timbrel?
Although I am not a great singer, I do love good music. It’s an amazing way for me to unwind.
Laying still and soaking in the rhythm of music is a productive way to hear God speak to you.
Hymns and spiritual songs have got a way of penetrating the soul. Little wonder, people cry when they worship God, (not always though).
Songs can provoke excitement, reflection, tears, memories, actions, etc.
There are songs that make me cry because they constantly reminded me of an unpleasant event.
There are songs that usher me into praying into tongues. There are songs of worship, dance, etc.
Are you having a hard time praying for long? Try singing!
I could also recommend listening to spirit-inspired songs. They are spirit-lubricating mediums as well!
Spiritual songs are great aids for intermittent transitions from one level of prayer to another.
7. Personal Retreats
Really, when was the last time you went on a retreat? (smiles)
Retreats are periods of rest from one’s usual activity. A spiritual retreat involves a period of seclusion to be with God alone.
Retreats are necessary spiritual vacations for any believer who must make spiritual progress. Everyone needs it!
They are highly definitive moments when engaged purposefully. Most people will tell you they heard God over a confusing issue when they decided to go on a personal retreat.
Personal retreats are productive ways to spend time with God.
Personal retreats involve securing a burden or a thrust, preparation involving your work, family, tidying up, etc.
It may also require that you leave your comfort zone to a more secluded area, departing with only needed items such as your bible, writing materials, book(s), etc.
I might expatiate more on this subsequently in another blog post!
8. Small talks
Do you know that prayer is not boring? It doesn’t have to be (smiles)
God is your Father! He is ABBA (Source and Sustainer).
The Fatherhood dimension of God is not debatable.
Nevertheless, the Almighty God is your FRIEND!
How do you feel catching up with a close friend you haven’t seen in a long time?
Time is usually not enough! (you might say)
Now, what if it is someone you really love his/her company? Probably, someone you are engaged to or married to!
There was a principle I learned from Moses in his relationship with God. This has helped me so much in my communion with God!
And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend…(Exodus 33; 11a)
That is… Engaging God in small talks.
Hmm… sounds funny right?
After a hard and tiring day, I come back home and I talk to God about everything and everyone I came across that day, and this is with all sincerity.
I tell God about my mistakes, success, incidents… and everything!
This has improved my perceptions about who God is to me because I am not ashamed to tell Him anything: My fear, weakness, shame, pain, strength, etc.
Funny enough, I am intentional about telling God about the ‘seemingly’ trivial issues like my hair, relationship with the opposite sex, clothing, future home, career path, family, etc., and everything is on a friendly basis.

12 Productive Ways to Spend Time with God
I usually write down whatever it is God tells me, date, and archive it properly.
You might say that God is already aware, so why tell Him?
If this is true, then why should we pray?
Prayer is not just about informing God about something. It is about building a stable relationship.
I could be doing all of this in the bathroom or whilst doing the laundry or even cooking.
Of course, this can never downplay an ‘intentional stay’ with God (devoid of activities).
Prayer is communicating with God and vice versa. Hence, I believe that this principle of engaging God in small talks is done with all sincerity. It can help boost intimacy, boldness, and reverence before Him.
It has helped me to be careful about actions that could puncture our relationship.
It is true that He could punish me if I fall into sin, but I am intentional about what we share,hence i stay away from wilful sins!
Engaging in small talks will also help you know God for yourself and find out how best He speaks to you!
9. Movies
I saw the movie “Miracles from Heaven” in my last personal retreat and it blessed me in no small way.
My faith was strengthened again to push further in the place of prayers. Movies, play-lets, and inspiring videos are productive ways to spend time with God if engaged purposefully.
The eyes and ears are always active in course of seeing a video. Additionally, these organs are important gateways into the spirit.
Their effects are therefore manifold. Hence, I recommend one must be sure of the credibility of such videos.
10. Books
Christian literature that promotes the cause of Christ and His Kingdom is advocated at different levels. Books offering great spiritual value have been helpful in communicating Christian values.
Example: A woman whose marriage is headed for the rocks finds a bible-inspired tip located in a book she reads and she is able to salvage her marriage.
Sometimes, your breakthrough lies in God’s wisdom via seasoned authors. There are people who have had genuine encounters as they read a book.
11. Audio messages/ sermons
The Christian community is replete with audio messages cutting across different subjects. Technology has made propagation of the gospel like a walk in the park.
Hence, it is easy to benefit from a meeting in which one was physically absent. Hence, the believer can still find direction and godly counsel as he engages audio sermons.
12. Social media platforms
Blogs, Video blogs, Podcasts, Zoom meetings, Youtube channels, and social media platforms offer great ways to spend time with God.
In this era of the COVID pandemic, one can still fellowship with God and other believers.
Hence, it becomes almost impossible to miss out on one’s time with God via these platforms if engaged wisely and purposefully.
I hope you were blessed by this article. I will love to hear from you, probably on other productive ways to spend time with God…
Till we meet again. Stay blessed!

Thank you so much for taking the time to stop in at my blog My name is Onyinye. I am a Writer, Poet, Pharmacist and more… (Smiles). It is a pleasure to have you here. When I’m not busy blogging or attending to my patients, I love spending time cooking up something in the kitchen and DIY projects on my skin and natural hair. Before you explore the site, I invite you to my mailing list community, where I share tips, as well as things we’re doing and into lately! I’d love to connect with you on social media too…let’s do this.
Was it really worth my time? Yes, of course it was.
Educative, deep and inspiring (you probably wrote this in your secret place)
Fresh oil upon you Onyinye
Thank you Orji…
That probability is quite high!
Amen to your prayers too
A Miracle from heaven totally undid me. It opened my eyes to a different aspect of faith. I’m with you on the smalll talks thingy. Started trying it out some months ago. I like It.
What do you think of praying with candles?
Nice movie right there!
I will be glad to hear the outcomes of this and I am praying with you too.
Praying with candles is an entirely different ball game. Whatsoever practice of praying that has no direct links to scripture should be debunked. thanks dear!
Thanks Pharm. Onyinye for this gigagntic steps…Your blog is inspiring. Keep on with the Master’s work…
I appreciate you a lot Pharm… God bless you!